Tribal Government & News
Constitutional Election set for Nov. 15
The Bureau of Indian Affairs, Siletz Agency, will be conducting an election to amend the Constitution of the Confederated Tribes of the Grand Ronde Community of Oregon. THIS WILL BE A FEDERALLY CONDUCTED ELECTION, NOT A TRIBAL ELECTION. A voters registration packet will be sent out to all Tribal members of voting age, who will have to register to vote in this federal election. If you do not register specifically for this election, you will not be eligible to vote. A voters registration form will be included in the voters registration packet. This notice is to inform you of the federal election, the dates set for conducting the election, and the importance of registering specially for this election. The following dates have been established for conducting the election:
September 16, 2011: Voters registration packet and registration forms sent to all Tribal members of voting age.
October 17, 2011: Registration forms must be postmarked or received by the BIA Siletz Agency on or before this date. Registration therefore closes at 4:00 p.m. on this date. If you do not register specially for this election, you will not be eligible to vote.
October 21, 2011: The official list of registered voters will be posted in alphabetical order on this date at various public locations for review.
October 26, 2011: Ballots sent to all eligible registered voters. These ballots must be returned to the BIA in the postage-paid return envelopes provided.
November 1, 2011: End of dispute period for names on official registered voters list.
November 15, 2011: Election Day. Ballots must be received by the BIA Siletz Agency Office no later than NOON on this day.
The election results will be posted on the front doors of the Grand Ronde Governance Center, Health and Wellness Center, Community Center, Education Building, Elders Activity Center, and the BIA Siletz Agency building immediately upon completion of the ballot count.
Details of how to register and due dates for the election are included in the voters registration packet.
NOTE: If you have changed your name or address and have not informed the Tribe, please notify the Tribal Enrollment Office.