Tribal Government & News
Wintertalk being held at Spirit Mountain Casino
First Nations Commissions of Oregon, Olympia and Hawaii will hold the 2012 Province VIII Wintertalk at Spirit Mountain Casino Jan. 6-8.
This year's event, "Weekend of Rediscover," focuses on the so-called Doctrine of Discovery. Through the doctrine, the major Christian religions and European monarchs encouraged the subjugation of indigenous peoples in the Americas. Starting at the end of the 1400s, during the period of European exploration and colonization, the doctrine continues today in the Catholic Church.
The Episcopalian Church in the United States has renounced the practice. Through the work of First Nations Commissions across the country, the Episcopalians repudiated the doctrine in 2009.
"Wintertalk will show Grand Ronde folk that there are Native Christians concerned about Native ways," said the Rev. Albert Krueger, pastor at St. Andrew Episcopal Church in Portland, a supporter of the renunciation.
"This Wintertalk is a gathering of Native and non-Native folks who are pledged to walk the path together," Krueger said. "The discussion around the Doctrine of Discovery will show that there is a centering philosophical and political landmark that is most useful in focusing on the roots of the legal and political issues that plague Native life in America today.
"We will explore some ways in which we, together, can work together for changes that will make our common life better."