Tribal Government & News
Tribal Government Day set for May 11

Native films will be the focus of the annual Tribal Government Day being held between 9 and noon Friday, May 11, at the State Capitol in Salem.
Starting at 9 a.m. in Hearing Room C of the State Capitol, films by the Umatilla, Grand Ronde, Burns Paiute, Klamath and Siletz Tribes will be shown.
The Grand Ronde Tribe will show a video about the Natural Resources Department's efforts to restore and protect Reservation land.
In addition to the films, a social gathering and networking event will be held in the Galleria as representatives from Oregon's nine federally recognized Tribes distribute informational brochures.
Refreshments, provided by the Confederated Tribes of Grand Ronde, will be catered by Spirit Mountain Casino staff.
At 11:30 a.m., Gov. John Kitzhaber will sign an American Indian Week proclamation.
American Indian Week in Oregon is Sunday, May 13, through Saturday, May 19.
The event marks the 11th anniversary of the passage of Oregon's state-Tribal government-to-government law. It is sponsored by the state Legislative Commission on Indian Services and endeavors to teach state employees and regular Oregonians about the state's nine federally recognized Tribes.
The event is open to the public.