Health & Education
Summer Credit Recovery returns
Summer Credit Recovery will be back this summer. If you are a Tribal, descendant or Native high school student who failed a class this last school year, then you will be eligible for our program. We will be starting on June 18 and it will run to Aug. 10. The hours for the credit recovery lab will be 8:30 a.m. to 3 p.m. Monday through Thursday. All other hours will need to be by appointment. Examples of classes offered through the Odesseyware program are Algebra 1, Geometry, Physical Science, U.S. History and English 1. Qualifying students in the Willamina and Sheridan school districts will be eligible, though students from outside the area may be eligible with a letter of commitment from their schools. Cost for the program will be a $50 deposit, which is fully refundable upon completion of the program. For more information, contact Tiffany Mercier at 503-879-2101 or by e-mail: