Tribal Government & News
General Council discusses private casino measures in executive session

Smoke Signals
CLACKAMAS - About 60 Tribal members and employees were briefed about the two private casino initiatives on the Nov. 6 ballot in Oregon for two hours in executive session during the Oct. 7 General Council meeting held at the Monarch Hotel and Convention Center.
Because the briefing was held in executive session, Smoke Signals cannot report on the specifics of what occurred.
Tribal member Justin Martin, who also works as the Tribe's principal lobbyist in Salem, briefed Tribal members on Measures 82 and 83 and the Tribe's efforts to help defeat the measures. He then fielded approximately 20 questions and comments from Tribal members.
The complementary measures would amend the Oregon Constitution to allow private casinos and also specifically permit one to be built at the shuttered greyhound racetrack in Wood Village, which is an eastern suburb of Portland.
Oregon's nine federally recognized Tribes, as well as other organizations like, oppose the measures, one of which was defeated by Oregon voters in 2010 by a 68-32 percent margin.
In addition, Gov. John Kitzhaber recently came out in opposition to the measures, which he said would break Oregon's promise to Tribes and negatively affect revenues from the Oregon Lottery.
Outside the General Council meeting, Tribal members picked up anti-measure lawn signs, bumper stickers, information sheets and window stickers.
Before the executive session started, Tribal Lands Manager Jan Michael Looking Wolf Reibach played a blessing song on Native flute and the Portland area drum group performed as part of the monthly cultural presentation.
After the executive session, Elder Laura Gleason, Nina Portwood and Trey George won the $50 door prizes and Kayla Leno won the $100 door prize. Elder Bernadine Shriver also won a cedar necklace made by Tribal Council member Jon A. George.
The next General Council meeting will be held at 11 a.m. Sunday, Nov. 4, at the Tribal Community Center to discuss the preliminary 2013 Tribal budget.