
Yesteryears -- Nov. 1, 2012

10.31.2012 Ron Karten History

2007 - New Publications Coordinator Dean Rhodes announced changes to Smoke Signals to make the Tribal newspaper more aesthetically pleasing and less expensive to produce. The mailing address box moved from the bottom left corner of the front page to the top left corner, which will save the Tribe approximately $40,000 in postage costs annually. In addition, Smoke Signals started being printed on heavier, whiter paper to make the publication easier to read and have a crisper look. "Both of these changes are win-win situations - a better product for less money," Rhodes said.

2002 - The building that housed the Tribe's residential youth treatment facility Nanitch Sahallie, which was operated by the Tribe for more than 10 years, was sold to the Salem chapter of the Union Gospel Mission. Union Gospel has said it will re-open the facility as a women's shelter.

1997 - Grand Ronde Tribal Elders Peachie Hamm and Marie Schmidt represented the Tribe at the bronze casting of a burden basket in Boring. Plans are pending to have the bronzed basket on exhibit in Grand Ronde later in the month.

1992 - A feature on Tribal Court highlighted Judge Lee Marston, Deputy Court Clerk Dakota Sangretta-Whitecloud and Court Clerk Jackie Whisler. "The Tribe can govern itself under its own laws," Marston said. "The people have the right of home rule. That's a very powerful tool."

1987 - The Grand Ronde co-ed volleyball team took third place in a 10-team tournament held in Yakima, Wash. The Shiams - Chinook for "grizzly" - included Dean Azule, Jackie Colton, Jim Willis, Gregg Leno, Teri Holsclaw, Mark Mercier, Tammy Fry, Shelley Hansen, Greg Archuleta, Doug Colton and Kathy Delaney.

Yesteryears is a look back at Tribal history in five-year increments through the pages of Smoke Signals.