Yesteryears -- May 1, 2013

2008 - The Oregon Fish and Wildlife Commission approved a rule change that returned big game hunting rights for cultural ceremonies to the Confederated Tribes of Grand Ronde. "A great day … a historic day," said Tribal Council Vice Chair Reyn Leno after the almost unanimous vote by the commission.
2003 - Douglas Pattison took the reins at Spirit Mountain Casino as the new chief executive officer. His gaming resume included stints in New Jersey, Memphis, Aruba and Mississippi, as well as at Atlantic City, Caesar's World, the Sands and Golden Nugget.
1998 - Since joining the Tribe in September 1997, Curator and Language Specialist Tony Johnson has worked on building a language program for the Tribe. Working through the Kwelth Tahlkie Culture and Heritage Society, he has built an archive focusing on all the original languages of the Grand Ronde Reservation, with special emphasis on Chinuk Jargon.
1993 - Oregon Sen. Mark Hatfield introduced the Native American Free Exercise of Religion Act. The 49-page bill seeks to amend the Native American Freedom of Religion Act of 1978 by protecting areas considered sacred by traditional Native American religious leaders and put into place a process for resolving disputes.
1988 - The House Interior and Insular Affairs Committee held a hearing on Oregon Rep. Les AuCoin's legislation to establish a 9,811-acre reservation for the Grand Ronde Tribe. On the same day, U.S. Sen. Mark Hatfield introduced a similar bill in the Senate to show his support for establishing a reservation in Yamhill County. Acting Committee Chairman Rep. Ben Nighthorse, a Democrat from Colorado, acknowledged that "terrible mistakes" were made in the passage of the Termination Act in the 1950s.
Yesteryears is a look back at Tribal history in five-year increments through the pages of Smoke Signals.