Yesteryears -- May 15, 2013

2008 - The fourth major expansion of Spirit Mountain Casino opened. The expansion included the new Cedar Plank Buffet and a 1,800-seat Events Center. Entertainment during the grand opening weekend included blues great Curtis Salgado, comedian Dana Carvey and rock band Blues Traveler.
2003 - The Hall of Legends, which connects Spirit Mountain Casino to Spirit Mountain Lodge, was scheduled to be remodeled. The hall will be changed to a walk-through display area showcasing the history and culture of the Grand Ronde Tribes.
1998 - Tribal Executive Officer Francis Somday and Finance Officer Pat Mercier announced that they would be leaving the Tribe to pursue other interests and career opportunities.
1993 - Honorary Court participants included Erica Empey, Maria Godinez, Valerie Haller, Brittany Grout, Allison Empey, Emma Leno and Kristy DeLoe.
1988 - Oregon Attorney General Dave Frohnmayer declined to draft a ballot title for a proposed initiative petition dealing with the Grand Ronde Tribes. Written by Sheridan resident William Jolley, the proposed petition stated, "Shall the Confederated (Indian) Tribes of Grand Ronde, Oregon (all U.S. citizens) be awarded a new tax-free reservation, special hunting, fishing and trapping rights and sovereign immunity in the state of Oregon without a vote of the people?" Frohnmayer said the proposal was not a valid exercise of initiative power because it only asked an advisory question and did not propose legislation.
Yesteryears is a look back at Tribal history in five-year increments through the pages of Smoke Signals.