Yesteryears -- Aug. 1, 2013

2008 - Members of the Grand Ronde and Chinook Canoe Families participated in the Paddle to Cowichan. They arrived at the Swinomish Indian Tribal Community in La Conner, Wash., on Monday, July 21.
2003 - Tribal Elder Marce Norwest led the Veterans Powwow for the last time. It marked the 11th time he and his wife, Sharon, spearheaded the event. Tribal member and Navy veteran Gene LaBonte and his wife, Billie, will take over in 2004.
1998 - The annual Grand Ronde Veterans Powwow was held for the entire weekend instead of just one day for the first time. During the three-day event, Stephanie Duran was crowned Veterans Junior Queen.
1993 - Gov. Barbara Roberts signed Senate Bill 61, which ensured the protection of burial sites, remains, sacred objects and funerary objects on state and private lands. It also gave Tribes control over the exploration of archaeological sites by allowing them to issue permits to interested parties.
1988 - The Senate Select Committee on Indian Affairs passed without opposition a bill that would establish a 9,811-acre reservation for the Confederated Tribes of Grand Ronde. The bill was similar to H4143, which passed the House of Representatives earlier. The bill still had to go to the Senate floor for a vote. If successful there, it would then go to President Ronald Reagan for his signature to become law.
Yesteryears is a look back at Tribal history in five-year increments through the pages of Smoke Signals.