Yesteryears -- Aug. 15, 2013

2008 - The Tribe's new reader board became operational at the entrance to the Tribal campus along Grand Ronde Road. In addition, Spirit Mountain Community fund awarded $301,000 to six Oregon Tribes as part of its first Oregon Tribal Grant Program.
2003 - The Eagle Beak drum was scheduled to perform at the annual Contest Powwow. Members were Lawney Havranek, Anthony Quenelle, Richard Sohappy, Shane Harmon, Bobby Mercier, Dustin Harmon and Sam George.
1998 - The Tribe's Head Start program became operational. The Head Start and Twah Sunchako pre-school programs offered integrated services for eligible 3 and 4 year olds on a full-day, year-round schedule for the 1998-99 academic year.
1993 - Jon George was voted Employee of the Month by his fellow co-workers at Nanitch Sahallie Youth Treatment Center. George was the chief cook. He had been cooking in restaurants for 14 years before joining the center's staff.
1988 - The Tribe was preparing to host the fourth annual powwow. Activities planned included a meal, fun run/walk, horseshoe tournament, Tribal pageant and special presentation by Paul Ortega.
Yesteryears is a look back at Tribal history in five-year increments through the pages of Smoke Signals.