Tribal Government & News

Letters to the Editor -- Feb. 15, 2014

02.14.2014 Ron Karten Letters

Dear Smoke Signals:

Recently there has been news regarding our Tribal youth missing out on an education. The news states that the lack of education is often because the children are absent from schools.

Families for many reasons do not send their children to school. This certainly sends an alarm that our youth are lacking in the fundamental right to an education. Families are responsible for their children's education. Our children must be educated. It is the wisdom of the Tribal Elders to expect our Tribal youth be educated. They are the leaders of our future generations.

There are many factors affecting education and always have been, not only in Native communities, but also in the system worldwide. Some factors are environment, pollution, economic status, bullying situations, new technology and inadequate facilities. Despite the negative factors, there are those who enjoy a basic education because they went to school and learned many lessons.

I believe education is a lifelong necessity and the beginning lessons are learned at home and in the schools. The challenge is to overcome the negative reasons for not getting an education.


Roll #2923