Tribal Government & News
Tribal managers consult with Siuslaw National Forest representatives

The atmosphere could not have been more respectful at the Thursday,
Jan. 30, consultation between Tribal staff and managers of the
Siuslaw National Forest.
Forest Supervisor Jerry Ingersoll said it is "a deep honor to be
working with the Tribe. The forest is being managed with
recognition of its long history. We're stewarding on behalf of that
Tribal Cultural Protection Program Manager Eirik Thorsgard said
that communication has been excellent between the Tribe and Forest
Archaeologist and Tribal Liaison Kevin Bruce.
The meeting, held at the Governance Building, was another
federal-Tribe consultation, demonstrating a successful partnership
though no memorandum of understanding to do so exists.
The consultation design allowed time for federal and Tribal staffs
to describe their work, their histories and the value these
exchanges have for both groups.
Land and Culture Manager Jan Looking Wolf Reibach described one
historical value for the Tribe, closely related to the history of
the forest.
The Tribe, he said, chose the name Chachalu (place of the burnt
timbers) for the Tribal Museum and Cultural Center because that was
what the Tualatin and South Yamhill Kalapuya referred to when parts
of the Grand Ronde Valley were devastated by a large fire in
"Just like the forest has healed from that fire, our Tribe is
healing from Termination. Our culture is found in the land. What
you do," Reibach said, referring to forest staff, "is part of our
Ingersoll said the Forest Service was looking to the Tribe as staff
recruiting grounds. An organizational chart of Siuslaw National
Forest staff showed many vacancies in many different areas for the
federal agency.
Handouts included a full list of the National Forest's 100 to 150
employees with their jobs, departments and contact information.
Tribal staffers may need these contacts for different consultation
Siuslaw National Forest managers also provided a list of some 36
projects that Tribal staff may have an interest in and input for.
Tribal managers responded with interest in some of them.
Michael Wilson, manager of the Tribe's Natural Resources
Department, described areas where the Tribe and forest staff have
worked together, and where opportunities still exist to profitably
work together in the future.
A few of those projects include fire suppression, where Tribal and
federal departments already work together; timber sales include
some projects where the agencies work together; and recreation
trails and fish and wildlife work where the two might benefit from
working together in the future.
Lawrence Schwabe, Tribal Hydrosystems Compliance specialist, said
that Natural Resources focuses on federal laws for the effect they
have on federal, state and Tribal priorities.
The Tribe wants to "give context" through consultation and
interpretive signage to projects the two groups have in common,
said Thorsgard.
He said that the Tribe was looking toward huckleberry enhancement
at the mouth of the Salmon River, where in the 1860s or 1870s the
Grand Ronde Indian Agent established a fishery where it was easy
for Tribal members to access, and so that they would not go to
Willamette Falls or the Columbia River to fish.
The January consultation is only the latest example of the ongoing
relationship between the Grand Ronde Tribe and the Forest Service
over the years.
"We have been working together for decades," said Michael Karnosh,
the Tribe's Ceded Lands Program manager and lead for the day's
"We want to steward with humility and honor for those who came
before us," said Ingersoll, "to support the Tribe and its
interests, to honor your culture, and to learn how we can best
The 633,000-acre forest stretches across the lands of three Oregon
Tribes - the Grand Ronde, Siletz and Coos, Lower Umpqua and
Ingersoll proposed a consultation among the Forest Service and all
three Tribes; this in addition to the existing meetings the Siuslaw
National Forest has with individual Tribes. The Tribe's immediate
response was positive.
The Tribe is also moving forward with MOU relationships for the
benefit of Oregon Tribes and the staffs of three national forests
in Oregon - called the 3 Forest MOU.
The national forests include Willamette, Siuslaw and Mt. Hood, all
in the Grand Ronde Tribe's ceded lands.
The proposal, originally made by the Forest Service, has been
signed by the Tribe and the Forest Service's signatures are
expected at a national forests regional meeting later this month.
The MOU calls for cooperation among all parties in the management
of the forests.
"This is a landmark moment," said Karnosh. "This is a launching
point for things to happen."
Tribal Council Secretary Toby McClary and Tribal Council member Ed
Pearsall attended.
"We appreciate you being here," said McClary. "It means a lot to
the Tribe. We share this interest in the forest and want to
continue to build on this relationship."