Tribal Government & News
Tribal youth to scramble for Easter eggs on April 19

This year's Easter egg hunt starts at 10:05 a.m. sharp on Saturday, April 19.
Organizer Deborah Kroeker, Tribal Housing Services coordinator, strongly advises parents to bring their children to the covered area centrally located in the Tribal housing complex on time.
"It will last around two minutes," Kroeker said. "That's why I tell people not to be late."
Two minutes is about the time it will take for about 100 children to pick up 2,000 eggs.
Children will hunt in four adjacent areas, all starting at the same time. They will be split into age groups that give all the children an equal shot at the eggs: 1- to 2-year-olds; 3- to 4-year-olds; 5- to 8-year-olds; and 9- to 10-year-olds.
Parents are reminded to bring cameras for action photos and portraits with the Easter Bunny, again played by Tribal Elder Steve Bobb Sr.
Other Easter egg hunt volunteers include staff from the Tribal Housing and Wellness departments, Kroeker said.
Big prizes are inside the eggs, chosen again this year because they fit in the eggs, and everybody loves the smell of candy in the morning, Kroeker said.
Tribal Council again supported the effort with $500.