Tribal Government & News

Tribal Council designates Sept. 12 as per capita date

08.28.2014 Ron Karten Tribal Council

Tribal Council declared that Friday, Sept. 12, will be the third per capita payment date of 2014 at its Wednesday, Aug. 20, meeting.
In other action, Tribal Council:
• Authorized the Tribe's application to the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services for Low Income Home Energy Assistance Program funding;
• Approved the Tribe's $419,241 application to the U.S. Department of Education's Office of Special Education and Rehabilitation Services for vocational rehabilitation services projects for American Indians With Disabilities funding and for four additional years of funding that will total approximately $1.8 million;
• Approved the enrollment of five infants into the Tribe.
Also included in the Aug. 20 Tribal Council packet were authorizations to proceed that:
• Authorized the installation of a sign at Grand Ronde Station to replace the existing monument price sign;
• Gave the Nutrition Program permission to work with Facilities staff to install a propane tank for the greenhouse at the Community Garden and allowed Nutrition to purchase and install a pole barn at the garden.
Tribal Council member Jon A. George, Travis Stewart and Eirik Thorsgard opened the meeting with cultural drumming and singing.
A video of the entire meeting can be viewed at the Tribal website,, under the Video tab.