Yesteryears -- Oct. 15, 2015

2010 – The Confederated Tribes of Grand Ronde joined Twitter, the social networking site that lets users send and read other users’ messages called “tweets.” The Tribe’s Twitter messages can be received by establishing a Twitter account and then signing up to follow CTGRgov.
2005 – Tribal Council members Angie Blackwell, Reyn Leno and Jack Giffen Jr. traveled to Washington, D.C., to communicate the Tribe’s opposition to a proposed casino in the Columbia River Gorge.
2000 – Tribal member Angela Fasana took over the new position of Tribal Court administrator. Fasana, who graduated from Lewis and Clark Law School, had been interning as a legal assistant.
1995 – Tribal members enjoyed their very first look inside Spirit Mountain Casino during a special Tribal Open House held on Oct. 16. Tribal members also received invitations to the gala evening festivities on Oct. 17 when the slot machines were turned on, the table games began and the casino was officially opened.
1990 – Tribal Chairman Mark Mercier said the Tribe needs to give “serious consideration” about where it wants to develop powwow grounds since Grand Ronde School may be inadequate even in 1991. “Since the Tribe began hosting our annual powwow, the crowds have increased dramatically,” he said.
1985 – A Hunters Breakfast held at St. Michael’s cafeteria was raising funds for the 1986 powwow. Bacon and eggs, pancakes and coffee and tea were going for $2.50 for adults and $1.50 for children.
Yesteryears is a look back at Tribal history in five-year increments through the pages of Smoke Signals.