Yesteryears -- Nov. 15, 2015

2010 – Oregonians resoundingly rejected the idea of privately owned casinos in the state by a 68 percent to 32 percent margin. “I hope they got the point,” said Tribal Council member Chris Mercier. “Sixty-eight to 32 is a very convincing statement.” The measure was opposed by all nine Tribes, who coalesced together under the Oregon Tribal Gaming Alliance.
2005 – Grand Ronde Tribal Council Chairwoman Cheryle A. Kennedy and Tribal Council member Jack Giffen Jr. sat elbow to elbow with Indian gaming representatives from across the country as they urged Congress to block other Tribes from setting up casinos outside of their reservations.
2000 – Warm Springs Tribal member Alyssa Macy became the third Hatfield Fellow. Macy was a recent graduate of Arizona State University and was scheduled to be a liaison for Native American issues in the office of Oregon Rep. Darlene Hooley.
1995 – The Grand Ronde water tank project was nearing completion. The 500,000-gallon tank will provide water to Grand Ronde residences and businesses, as well as improve fire protection in the area. It also will allow a moratorium on new water hookups to be lifted.
1990 – Tribal member Felicia Lewis and her horse, Shadow, received honors at the Jackson County Fair in Medford. She was champion in western equitation, showmanship and high point.
1985 – Tribal Enrollment Clerk Margo George reported that 79 applicants were approved for membership in September, increasing the membership roll to 1,682. She added that the Tribe has added 1,020 new members since Restoration occurred in November 1983.
Yesteryears is a look back at Tribal history in five-year increments through the pages of Smoke Signals.