2016 Grand Ronde Contest Powwow winners

Girls Jingle: Jasmine Barney, Navajo, first; Victoria Butler, Siletz, second; Kaleigha Simi, Grand Ronde, third; Tawnee Hunt, Yakama, fourth; and Layla Rose Harmon, Shoshone, fifth.
Girls Fancy: Macyquin Johnson, Warm Springs/Wasco Paiute, first; Terianna Heath, Warm Springs/Wasco Paiute, second; Ei-shah Pirtle-Boise, Warm Springs/Siletz, third; Ava Smith, Klamath, fourth; and Keya StandingBear, Cherokee, fifth.
Girls Traditional: Dahyiitihi White, Coeur d’Alene, first; Aaliyah Reasoner, Seminole/Choctaw, second; Askewin Tom, Paiute/Lakota, third; Mabel Lane Parazoo, Klamath, fourth; and Miya Weigel, Karuk, fifth.
Boys Grass: Levi Nez, Lakota/Dine, first; Alvin Sixkiller, Cherokee, second; Kaikanim Mercier, Grand Ronde, third; Tyce Begay, Sho-ban/Yakama/Dine, fourth; and Darmani Soto, Warm Springs, fifth.
Boys Fancy: SunHawk Barney, Navajo, first; Apollo Johnson, Warm Springs/Wasco Paiute, second; Joseph Petty-Jarrell, Pend Oreille Salish, third; and Kalen Scalplock, Siksika/Navajo, fourth.
Boys Traditional: Jayden Esquiro, Warm Springs, first; Kobe Sam, Warm Springs/Nez Perce, second; Hawk Squetimkin, Colville, third; Nacoma Liebelt, Grand Ronde, fourth; and Emery Kordatzky, Umatilla, fifth.
Teen Girls Jingle: Noralene Scalplock, Siksika/Navajo, first; Kimberly Ann Chief, Warm Springs, second; Ezahbella Mosqueda, Siletz, third; Aspen Wilson, Grand Ronde, fourth; and Amaryssa Mooney, Grand Ronde, fifth.
Teen Girls Fancy: Jaydean Randall, Navajo/Lakota, first; Aurelia Johnson, Paiute/Shoshone/Haida, second; Nizhoni Tallman, Yakama/Navajo, third; Kailiyah Krehbiel, Grand Ronde, fourth; and Isabelle Grout, Grand Ronde, fifth.
Teen Girls Traditional: Jovena Scabbyrobe, Yakama/Blackfeet, first; Victory Randall, Navajo/Sioux, second; Susseli Pete, Salish/Navajo, third; Tia Butler, Siletz, fourth; and Aiyana Reyes, Klamath, fifth.
Teen Boys Grass: Josiah Barney, Navajo, first; Manny Hawley, Rocky Boy Cree, second; Garen Growing Thunder, Dakota/Nez Perce, third; Jacob Bearspaw, Stoney Nakoda Nation, fourth; and Marcel Allen, Grand Ronde, fifth.
Teen Boys Fancy: Daniel Schofield, Wintu, first; Dasan Schofield, Wintu, second; Emmitt White, Coeur d’Alene, third; Devon Shaw, Shoshone/Dine, fourth; and Budge Stanton, Ely Shoshone Tribe, fifth.
Teen Boys Traditional: Darion Shaw, Shoshone, first; Trenton Calica, Warm Springs, second; and Tristin Liebelt, Grand Ronde, third.
Golden Age Women: Audrey Olney, Yakama, first; Rose Starr Peters, Shoshone, second; Sophie George, Yakama, third; Terrie Jarrell, Pend Oreille Salish, fourth; and Barbara Miller, Klamath, fifth.
Golden Age Men: Allenroy Pay-Kwin, Jicarilla Apache, first; Stan Greene, Nez Perce/Salish, second; Larry White Jr., Dine, third; Gary Villa I, Yakama, fourth; and Chet Clark, Dine, fifth.
Mens Grass: Gary Villa, Warm Springs, first; Kelsey Haywahe, Wasco/Paiute, second; Jeremy Barney, Burns Paiute, third; Mason-James McGurk, Navajo/Apache, fourth; and Creighton Scabbyrobe, Blackfeet/Cree, fifth.
Mens Fancy: Doug Schofield, Wintu, first; Marshall Madera, Blackfeet/Colville, second; Gary Olney, Yakama, third; Perry Thompson, Dine, fourth; and Jamie Ward, Wintu, fifth.
Mens Traditional: Colin Chief, Warm Springs, first; Bryon Adams, Yakama, second; Quindon Calica, Warm Springs, third; Shandin Pete, Salish/Navajo, fourth; and Stoney Cloud Dodson, Navajo/Mono, fifth.
Womens Jingle: Henrietta McGurk, Navajo/Apache, first; Tia Lonetree-Gray, Ho-Chunk/Dine, second; Celeste McGurk, Navajo, third; Cecillie Rose, Colville, fourth; and Raylene Thomas, Warm Springs/Navajo, fifth.
Womens Fancy: Dottie Pratt, Blackfeet/Cree, first; Talia Reasoner, Seminole, second; Josette Wahwasuck, Potawatomi, third; Chenoa Landry, Puyallup, fourth; and Darci Haywahe, Assiniboine/Hidasta, fifth.
Womens Traditional: Shawna Tom, Shoshone, first; Leah Villa, Grand Ronde, second; Bobbi White, Coeur d’Alene, third; Sisiley Scott, Warm Springs/Grand Ronde, fourth; and Ida Adams, Colville, fifth.
Drums: Seekaskootch, first; Battle Axe, second; Battle Stone, third; and Awakening Thunder, fourth.