Yesteryears -- Nov. 1, 2017
2012 – Four former and current Oregon governors, including Gov. John Kitzhaber, went on record to oppose an amendment to the state Constitution that would allow a private casino in Wood Village, in part because they felt the state should not break its promise to its nine federally recognized Tribes. Kitzhaber, a longtime opponent of gambling in Oregon, filmed a campaign ad, urging voters to reject measures 82 and 83.
2007 – Tribal member Brad Leno talked about his upcoming release from MacLaren Youth Correctional Facility and his hopes for the future during the facility’s 10th annual Powwow. “I want to give back to the community,” he said. “I do feel that I have a leg up, coming up through this facility, being around the youths and hearing all of their stories.”
2002 – The Health & Wellness Center celebrated its fifth anniversary with a celebration. Tom Austin, former executive director, said the Tribe should be “very proud” of the building and programs that had been developed in the five years since it opened.
1997 – Small Business Development gave its annual program update at the General Council meeting. Staff focused on the types of services offered to Tribal and community members. Elaine Moore, division manager, described Tribal small businesses ranging from construction to house cleaning to arts and crafts.
1992 – Tribal member Elinore Jenness was recognized as “Entrepreneur of the Month” for her in-home care business, Golden Age Acres. The year before, she was nominated for Caregiver of the Year by Lane County Senior Services.
1987 – The Grand Ronde Hotel was under consideration as the site for Tribal offices. Administrators were considering leasing the facility to consolidate programs in one location and help alleviate overcrowding at current offices.
Yesteryears is a look back at Tribal history in five-year increments through the pages of Smoke Signals.