Tribal Government & News
General Council briefed on economic development in executive session

Danielle Frost
Smoke Signals staff writer
The Tribe’s Economic Development Department’s mission is to identify and establish profitable Tribal businesses to sustain future generations.
On Sunday, March 1, General Manager David Fullerton and Tribal Council Chief of Staff Stacia Hernandez gave General Council an annual report on the Economic Development Department’s business plan, projects and future goals at the Tribal Community Center.
Economic Development Director Bruce Thomas was unavailable due to a family emergency.
Smoke Signals is limited on what it can report because the economic development portion of the General Council meeting was conducted in executive session.
Tribal members who want more information can contact Thomas at 503-879-2070 or
Hernandez and Fullerton took 14 questions from the audience of approximately 45.
“We are in a great position,” Tribal Council member Steve Bobb Sr. said. “You have an excellent, wonderful team of staff who work on behalf of you. It is one of the best teams around for helping us develop our future.”
Following the presentation, executive session was adjourned.
The meeting began with a cultural presentation led by Prevention Coordinator Cristina Lara, Interpretive Coordinator Travis Stewart and members of the Tribal Youth Council. Bobb gave the invocation.
Tribal Council Chairwoman Cheryle A. Kennedy spoke briefly about novel coronavirus fears.
“If you are feeling sick, feverish, have chills and a fever, it is better to stay home and take care of yourself,” she said. “We just need to be careful. Wash your hands and don’t touch your face.”
According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, only 43 people in the United States have tested positive for the virus as of March 2. However, a majority of the cases are clustered on the west coast. Symptoms are similar to influenza — fever, cough and difficulty breathing, which may appear in as few as two days or as long as 14 days after initial exposure.
Executive Director of Health Services Kelly Rowe told General Council attendees that she spoke with Oregon Health Authority officials earlier that day and although she is “very concerned,” the biggest prevention tool is to thoroughly and frequently wash your hands.
“And keep those away from your nose and your mouth,” she said. “In the Health & Wellness Clinic, we are making sure all surfaces are well cleaned and trying to continually sanitize areas that are high traffic.”
The next General Council meeting will be held at 11 a.m. Sunday, April 5, at the Lane Community College Longhouse, 4000 East 30th Ave., Eugene. A Community Input meeting will follow.
Cristina Lara, Mabel Brisbois, Joanna Brisbois, Tracie Meyer and Julie Duncan won the $50 door prizes and Isabelle Grout, Dorothy Leno and Leo Norwest won the $100 door prizes.
The meeting adjourned at approximately 12:15 p.m. After a lunch of chicken enchiladas, rice, refried beans, black bean salad and cookies, the Community Input meeting began. Approximately 25 people attended and provided input on possible advisory vote topics to be included on the September Tribal Council ballot.
The non-executive session part of the meeting can be viewed by visiting and clicking on the Government tab and then Video.