Tribal Government & News
Tribe closes on two property purchases in Salem, Portland

By Dean Rhodes
Smoke Signals editor
The Confederated Tribes of Grand Ronde has closed on the purchase of two properties – one in Salem and one in Portland – that will allow it to develop medication-assisted treatment facilities to combat opioid addiction and expand its health services into the two largest metropolitan areas in Oregon.
The Tribe closed on the Salem property on May 8, according to Marion County Assessor’s Office property records. The purchase price was listed as $5,556,740 and it was previously owned by Lex Commercial LLC.
Located at 1011 Commercial Street NE, the Willamette Professional Center includes a 29,246-square-foot, two-story office building and parking lot.
Tribal Council approved the purchase and sale agreement during its April 1 meeting, but the purchase was discussed in executive session during the previous day’s Legislative Action Committee meeting and the purchase price was not disclosed during the subsequent Tribal Council meeting.
The Tribe closed on the Portland property at 3580 S.E. 82nd Ave. just before the Fourth of July weekend. The 20,000-square-foot lot includes a former dental office and parking lot, and is located west of Interstate 205 and southeast of Mount Tabor Park.
According to Multnomah County property records, it had an assessed valuation of $574,100 in 2019 and was previously owned by Portland Limited Partnership of Long Beach, Calif.
Tribal Realty Coordinator Teresa Brocksen said the purchase price was $1.4 million. The property was being marketed for sale at $1.5 million by CBRE, a commercial real estate agency in Portland.
Tribal Council approved the purchase during its Dec. 18, 2019, meeting. At the time, the proposed use and purchase price for the property were not disclosed.
The 82nd Avenue property will join the former Multnomah Greyhound Park in Wood Village and the Portland area office on Barbur Boulevard as properties the Tribe owns in Multnomah County.