Yesteryears - Dec. 15, 2021

2016 – After more than six years of work, the Confederated Tribes of Grand Ronde was one step away from streamlining the process of how it took land into trust after the U.S. House of Representatives approved amendments to the Grand Ronde Reservation Act that mirrored those already approved by the Senate. The House bill was sponsored by Oregon Rep. Kurt Schrader. “This legislation is supported by the commissioners in Polk, Tillamook and Yamhill counties, who, like us, are focused on making their governments more efficient and using their revenues more wisely,” Tribal Council Chair Reyn Leno said.
2011 – Tribal Elder and former Tribal Cultural Resources Manager June Olson released a book, “Living in the Great Circle, The Grand Ronde Indian Reservation 1855-1905.” The book was researched through historical collections of many first- and second-generation Grand Ronde Tribal people, and included information on treaty signings and removal of Tribal peoples to the Reservation in the 1850s and continued through the first years of the 20th century. Being hired to build a cultural resources program for the Tribe in 1996 gave Olson the opportunity to collect Tribal history in every form.
2006 – Tribal member Jason Darcy was featured in Smoke Signals for his budding career as an extra and stand-in for various Hollywood productions. He worked on TV shows such as “Home Improvement” and “Melrose Place,” as well as an orderly or tech in the all of the “CSI” series. Additionally, he had a small part in the movie “The Holiday.” “If you’re a strong person and work at it, anything is possible in L.A.,” he said.
2001 – Taos Pueblo Tribal member and motivational speaker Howard Rainier visited with Grand Ronde Tribal members as part of the first annual National Native American Recognition Month. The purpose of his visit was to inspire attendees to empower themselves with positive energy. “You may feel a little intimated, but don’t let that stop you from reaching your goals,” he said. “We all have the power to create a positive environment for ourselves and the world around us.”
1996 – Several construction projects were underway at the Tribe, including phase one of a manufactured housing park across the street from the Tribal cemetery, design of the new Health and Wellness Center, construction of a new Natural Resources office complex and preliminary designs for a new administration building. It was anticipated that most of those projects would be completed in 1997.
1991 – Cathy Cline was introduced to the community as the new Smoke Signals director. “Smoke Signals looks a little different this month,” she said. “That’s because I will be presenting all Tribal issues in news, health, education, family forum; and arts and entertainment in the new Smoke Signals.” She noted that the next few months would be an ideal time for Tribal members to make suggestions to improve the publication.
Yesteryears is a look back at Tribal history in five-year increments through the pages of Smoke Signals.