Tribal Government & News
Tribal Council approves application for Emergency Services UTV

By Danielle Harrison
Smoke Signals editor
Tribal Council approved an Emergency Services grant application to purchase a utility terrain vehicle to help expand medical services available on off-highway lands during its Wednesday, Oct. 25, meeting.
A UTV is a larger type of all-terrain vehicle designed to haul heavier loads and additional passengers.
The $70,000 grant will help the Tribe expand emergency medical services available on trails, which are typically inaccessible to regular emergency services vehicles, according to Tribal Grants Assistant Dana Morfin.
“This helps to better respond, locate and access off-highway vehicle trails, especially when responding to emergency medical calls in conjunction with local partner agencies in search and rescue efforts,” Morfin said during a Tuesday, Oct. 24, Legislative Action Committee meeting.
If the grant is awarded, the Tribe will provide a trailer to haul the vehicle, a mobile radio and patient transport equipment.
In other action, Tribal Council:
- Approved a grant agreement of $133,000 between the Tribe and the state Department of Early Learning and Care to help fund staffing for a second preschool classroom and aftercare facilities in the Chinuk Wawa Education Program;
- Approved two credit card authorizations in the amount of $2,500 for Natural Resources Department Biologist Kyle McLaughlin and $5,000 for Portland Great Circle Recovery Clinical Manager Mike Tierney;
- Approved appointing Chad Leno and Nakoosa Moreland to the Powwow Special Event Board for terms ending on March 31, 2025;
- And approved final adoption of a change to the Burial Fund Ordinance, which increases the amount given to help Tribal families cover funeral costs from $7,000 to $8,000.
Tribal Council also set the agenda for the next General Council meeting. It will be held at 11 a.m. Sunday, Nov. 5, and feature a preliminary 2024 budget presentation in executive session.
Lastly, Tribal Council Vice Chair Chris Mercier read a statement from council that said based on the results of the Sept. 9 election advisory votes regarding enrollment, council would be exploring options based on lineal descent to address issues caused by the 1999 amendment. Council will discuss a plan to involve the membership and will announce more soon.
To watch the entire meeting, visit the Tribal government’s website at and click on the Government tab and then Videos.