Tribal Government & News
Tribe receives $900,000 in Yamhill Community Care grants

By Dean Rhodes
Publications coordinator
McMINNVILLE – The Confederated Tribes of Grand Ronde received two grants totaling $900,000 from Yamhill Community Care in early December.
A $250,000 grant will help the Tribe purchase capital materials for its transitional housing effort and a complementary $650,000 grant will support construction of the new Child Development Center.
Tribal Council approved a $16.3 million contract with Triplett Wellman of Woodburn on Nov. 15 to construct the Child Development Center on the Tribal campus.
Engineering and Planning Manager Ryan Webb said that the one-story, 26,000-square-foot building will include 12 classrooms, outdoor play areas, community room, large commercial kitchen, 16 administrative offices, break room, restrooms and other support areas.
The building will be constructed where the current softball field is located adjacent to the old powwow grounds courtyard in front of the Governance Center. The area has been fenced off in preparation for construction to begin.
Webb said the building will take approximately one year to construct and should be open in December 2024.
Funding for the Child Development Center is a combination of American Rescue Plan Act monies, grants from foundations such as Yamhill Community Care and Tribal dollars.
“The funds are to support capital expenses to complete and furnish temporary and permanent supportive housing under the Community Transitions Program, which increases access to safe and secure housing for our Tribal members,” Health Services Executive Director Kelly Rowe said about the $250,000 grant.
Yamhill Community Care awarded more than $3.19 million to 18 local community-based organizations through its aligned Community Health Improvement Plan and Community Prevention Wellness Fund Initiative.
“We are committed to fostering a healthier and more connected community through strategic investments and collaborations,” President and Chief Executive Officer of Yamhill Community Care Seamus McCarthy said. “We are proud to partner with this year’s recipients and are excited to see how their innovative and impactful programs make a difference in the community.”
Other organizations receiving grants included the Dayton Food Pantry, Habitat for Humanity, McMinnville School District and McMinnville Public Library, and the Willamette Valley campus in Willamina.
Yamhill Community Care is a coordinated care organization that serves Oregon Health Plan members in Yamhill County and parts of Washington and Polk counties.