Yesteryears - April 1, 2024

2019 – Tribal Elder and World War II veteran Herman Hudson received a Quilt of Valor from the Quilts of Valor Foundation. Hudson was nominated to receive the honorary quilt by Tribal Council member Steve Bobb Sr., a Vietnam War-era Marine Corps veteran who previously received one and then was asked to nominate a worthy veteran to receive one.
2014 – The Spirit Mountain Community Fund, the philanthropic arm of the Confederated Tribes of Grand Ronde, inched closer to the $62 million mark in giving during its quarterly check presentation held in the Tribal Governance Center. Community Fund Executive Director Kathleen George welcomed grant recipients and thanked them for creating solutions that make western Oregon a healthier, more resilient place to live.
2009 – A get-together was held at the Facilities Department to honor and celebrate Tribal Elder Russell Leno’s retirement. He retired from his position as senior groundskeeper at the Tribal Cemetery after working for the Tribe almost 22 years.
2004 – The Tribe switched the Spirit Mountain Casino complex from the community water system to treated water from the South Yamhill River. The rollover affected the casino, lodge and convenience store. More than 4 years of work went into development of the system that finally allowed expansion at the casino complex without jeopardizing growth in the rest of the Grand Ronde community.
1999 – The Tribe co-sponsored a dinner at the Portland Hilton in honor of retired Rep. Elizabeth Furse. Furse and her husband were given blankets with the Tribe’s logo. Before she was elected to Congress, Furse advocated for the federal restoration of Oregon Tribes and served as Restoration Coordinator for Grand Ronde.
1994 – Community Health Representative Bonnie Martin-Tom won recognition with the National Association of Community Health Representatives for her commitment and service to the Tribe. During the National Triennial Education Conference in Spokane, Bonnie was given a shoulder sash and special seating at the banquet dinner.
1989 – Agenda items for the General Council meeting included a review of the Tribe’s Master Plan and acquiring the Depot facility for office space. Coopers Consultants had been preparing a master plan for the Tribe to look at the housing and facility needs of the Tribe and its membership. The plan was in draft form and Tribal Council invited input from the membership.
Yesteryears is a look back at Tribal history in five-year increments through the pages of Smoke Signals.