Yesteryears - June 15, 2024

2019 – Tribal Council members and staff gathered in a somber farewell ceremony for the 16 Summers Collection artifacts before those began a 5,000-mile journey back to England. Chachalu Tribal Museum & Cultural Center received the artifacts on loan from the British Museum in May 2018. The 16 artifacts were featured in “The Rise of the Collectors” exhibit at Chachalu.
2014 – Spirit Mountain Casino’s Grand Floral Parade float, “Sweet Prayers for a Big World,” received the President’s Award for most effective overall floral presentation. The float was designed by Tribal Elder Steve Bobb Sr.
2009 – For the third time in six years, the Tribal Natural Resources Youth Crew Program won the Frank Roberts Oregon Youth Conservation Corps Project of the Year Award as best in the state for 2008. High school students were hired to the crew for the summer to build trails through reservation lands, participate in challenge courses where they climbed ropes and balanced on high wires for physical experience, visited colleges and acquired job skills.
2004 – More than 60 Tribal members, staffers and guests, including at least six Tribal Council members, attended each of the year’s three community meetings. Enrollment issues remained of top importance to members, followed by increased health coverage for nonmember spouses and children. Long-term health care for Elders and questions about how to improve communications with Tribal Council for members living outside of the Grand Ronde area also were important to those in attendance. Other priorities included legal services for members, more Tribal member employment and a recreation center in Grand Ronde.
1999 – The Tribal Education Honor and Recognition Dinner was a big success. Thirty-five Tribal member graduates were in attendance, and more than 200 friends and family attended the event celebrating the student’s achievements.
1994 – An open house was held at the Pioneer Museum in Tillamook. The museum was featuring Native American artifacts and crafts from several Oregon Tribes. Grand Ronde’s display case included photos, game pieces, baskets and beadwork. These were from the personal collections of many different Tribal families. Tribal member Tammy Cook helped organize the open house.
1989 – Twelve members were nominated for Tribal Council at the May General Council meeting: Larry Brandon, Valarene Grout, Kathryn Harrison, Cecile Kneeland, Eugene R. LaBonte, Merle Leno, Russ Leno, Tom Leno, Patricia Martin, Darrel Mercier, Robert Mercier and Gary Reibach were nominated. Three seats were up for re-election held by Grout, Harrison and Russ Leno.
1984 – Tribal Council Chairperson Kathryn Harrison attended an “Understanding Tribal Governments” workshop held in Warm Springs and sponsored by the Bureau of Indian Affairs.
Yesteryears is a look back at Tribal history in five-year increments through the pages of Smoke Signals.