Yesteryears -- July 1, 2024
2019 – Approximately 200 educators from two different states attended the third annual Grand Ronde Education Summit held at Spirit Mountain Casino. Teachers from all grade levels came to learn more about the Grand Ronde Tribe, how to create meaningful Native American curriculum and how to teach new standards required by Oregon’s Senate Bill 13. Senate Bill 13 required the Oregon Department of Education to develop curriculum relating to the Native American experience in Oregon. This includes Tribal history, sovereignty, culture, treaty rights, government, socioeconomic experiences and current events.
2014 – Tribal Council approved contracts to build two new buildings. The first was the Employment Services building on the Tribal campus next to the Community Center. The second was a food bank building on the Curl Property on the west side of Grand Ronde Road across from the Tribal Housing Authority office.
2009 – The Grand Ronde Canoe Family participated in the Paddle on the Willamette. The 26-mile paddle started at Willamette Falls in Oregon City and finished at Kelley Point Park in Portland.
2004 – “A Journey of Tradition” won the Sweepstakes Award in the Rose Festival Grand Floral Parade. The Spirit Mountain Casino float depicted a traditional Chinookian family in a Western red cedar canoe gathering plants native to Grand Ronde, such as wapato, skunk cabbage and camas. The Sweepstakes Award was awarded to the most outstanding float.
1999 – The Tribe hosted a gathering at the Portland Art Museum for Spirit Mountain Community Fund grant recipients. One grant was in the amount of $15,150 to the nonprofit A Child’s Place/Un Lugar Para Ninos for a school readiness project.
1994 – Tribal Council Chairman Mark Mercier joined other Tribal officials and leaders from across Oregon in participating in the Grand Floral Parade in Portland. The parade was televised throughout most of the Western states.
1989 – Tribal youth and Elders got together for dance and craft classes held weekly at the Tribal office. The classes were for anyone who wanted to learn how to dance or just wanted to come and watch and make new friends. The main purpose of the classes was so everyone had the opportunity to learn how to bead and dance, but did not want to start learning in the middle of powwow.
1984 – Tribal member Toni Mercier represented her Tribe at the Delta Park Powwow in Portland during the Rose Festival. She was first runner-up for the Junior Miss Delta Park Princess Contest.
Yesteryears is a look back at Tribal history in five-year increments through the pages of Smoke Signals.