Tribal Government & News
Tribal Council approves contract for Great Circle detox center

By Danielle Harrison
Smoke Signals editor
Tribal Council approved a design-build contract agreement to expand and modernize Great Circle Recovery in Salem by including a detox center and medical services for those seeking treatment for opioid addiction.
Tribal Engineering & Community Development Department Manager Ryan Webb said there had been five bids for the project and Perlo Construction of Tualatin was the lowest qualified bidder.
“They will help us create the plan, specs and permitting of this work and then allow us to the do the construction as well,” he said during a Tuesday, Nov. 19, Legislative Action Committee meeting.
The Tribe opened its first medication assisted clinic, Great Circle Recovery, on Commercial Street Northeast in Salem in 2021 and a Portland clinic in 2023. Since then, both clinics have served hundreds of clients.
Additionally, both clinics provide mobile units for those unable to get to the brick-and-mortar locations to receive treatment.
Webb added that Tribal Health Services Director Kelly Rowe applied for and received a $2 million grant from Indian Health Service to help offset the cost of construction and had applied for two other grants as well.
“This is another great grant opportunity to continue the good work for the community,” Webb said.
In other action, Tribal Council:
- Approved final adoption of amendments to the Tribe’s Gaming Ordinance which will amend numerous definitions, revise license applications and background investigation requirements to better reflect information currently needed for safe operation of Spirit Mountain Casino, and other changes as per the National Indian Gaming Commission;
- Approved a new contract for pharmacy benefit management services with Optum RX Incorporated;
- Approved a $412,781 grant application to the Environmental Protection Agency for 2026-27 Performance Partnership Grant;
- Approved an application to the National Park Service Historic Preservation Fund Save America’s Treasures Grant for $750,000;
- Approved an application to the Oregon Department of Land Conservation and Development for the Community Green Infrastructure Program grant for $396,000;
- And approved an application to the Oregon Department of Forestry for the Urban & Community Forestry Inflation Reduction Act grant for $1,000,000.
In other news, Tribal Council set the agenda for the Sunday, Dec. 1, General Council meeting. It will include nominations for the Elders Committee, a program report from Smoke Signals and a board report from the Editorial Board.
To watch the entire meeting, visit the Tribal government’s website at and click on the Videos tab.