Tribal Government & News

Tribal Council approves $9.9 million grant application, pauses Elders Committee business

12.18.2024 Danielle Harrison Tribal Council, Elders Committee
Tribal Council Chambers


By Danielle Harrison

Smoke Signals editor

Tribal Council approved an application to the Federal Highway Administration for a $9.9 million grant to help with infrastructure improvements at tumwata village during its Wednesday, Dec. 18, meeting.

If the funding is secured, the Rebuilding American Infrastructure with Sustainability and Equity grant will be used for expenses such as project inspection fees, demolition and removal, construction and equipment costs.

“In particular, this funding will be used for the roadway and utility infrastructure around block six (of the property) that includes four streets,” Community Development Manager Kristen Svicarovich said during a Tuesday, Dec. 17, Legislative Action Committee meeting. “So, because the Tribe qualifies as a historically disadvantaged community under this federal funding opportunity, there is no required federal match. We believe this project will be really competitive…so being able to show consistency with a lot of those planning documents really helps in these grant applications…I’m really excited about this funding opportunity.”   

In other action, Tribal Council:

  • Approved commercial timber sales of the Tseqw Thin Logging Unit and the Paya Logging Unit to Round Valley LLC;
  • Approved a $100,000 grant application to the Oregon Community Foundation for the Arts and Culture Rebuilding Program;
  • Approved an interagency agreement between Tribal Council and the Tribe’s Engineering and Planning Department due to American Rescue Plan Act funding stipulations in order to carry forward for construction related projects at tumwata village;
  • Approved the purchase and sale agreement for the 52.2-acre Deer Path West property near Falls City. The Tribe acquired the adjacent, 57.8-acre Deer Path East property in December 2023 and expects to close on Deer Path West in January;
  • Approved an indemnity agreement with the Bureau of Indian Affairs for the 6-acre Agency Block 1 property located northwest of Highway 22 and Grand Ronde Road;
  • And approved enrolling one infant, enrolling four non-infants and re-enrolling one non-infant because they meet the enrollment requirements in the Tribal Constitution.

In other news, Tribal Council Vice Chair Chris Mercier read aloud a statement from the council regarding the Elders Committee.

“Tribal Council met with the Elders Committee this morning and had a productive discussion about the need for Tribal Council to provide clear and consistent guidance to the committee on policies and expectations. We have received reports from Tribal Elders and staff, requiring further attention and we need to update applicable Tribal ordinances and committee bylaws and policies. As a result, it is in the best interest of the Tribe and its Elders for the committee to take a break from all official activities, including the upcoming committee member election, until Tribal Council and the committee have had an opportunity to review and make recommendations on ordinances, bylaws and policies. We discussed with the committee, the upcoming Elders events such as the Christmas party will still continue through Elders Activity Center staff.”

Mercier then introduced a motion directing the committee to take a break on official Elders Committee business, including the 2025 election of members until Tribal Council, in consultation with the Elders Committee, has developed appropriate ordinance amendments and revised bylaws and policies, and to direct that the Elders activities continue through Elders Activity Center staff until further notice.

This resulted in an hour-long discussion, with several Tribal Elders expressing their dismay with how the process was handled, including the posting of a letter about the committee at the Elders Activity Center. However, others thanked council for putting a pause in place until everything could be sorted out.

“I’m sorry we didn’t deal with this more promptly,” Mercier said. “It’s been a long, very un-fun day.”

The council approved the amendment 6-1, with Denise Harvey casting the dissenting vote.

Council member Brenda Tuomi and Tribal Council Chairwoman Cheryle A. Kennedy were out on medical leave. 

To watch the entire meeting, visit the Tribal government’s website at and click on the Videos tab.