Tribal Government & News

General Council briefed on Spirit Mountain Casino

03.04.2025 Danielle Harrison General Council
Smoke Signals file photo


By Danielle Harrison

Smoke Signals editor

Spirit Mountain Casino Chief Executive Officer Camille Mercier gave a presentation to the membership on the casino’s history,  current status and future plans during the General Council meeting on Sunday, March 2.

Mercier gave the 40-minute presentation in executive session and then fielded eight questions and comments from Tribal members in attendance.

Since it was held in executive session, Smoke Signals cannot publish specific details.

The next General Council meeting will be held at 11 a.m. Sunday, April 6, at the Lane Community College Longhouse in Eugene and feature a report on the Tribal Engineering, Public Works & Community Development Department .

Christie Kimsey, Eric Larsen (donated winnings to the Veterans Committee) and Lee Huffman each won the $100 door prizes. Leroy Good, Lisa Watson, Andrea Knight, Erin Castro and Eric Bernando won the $50 door prizes. 

The non-executive session portion of the meeting can be viewed by visiting the Tribe’s website at and clicking on the Videos tab.

Tribal members wanting to see the executive session portion should contact Tribal Council Chief of Staff Stacia Hernandez at or call 503-879-2304.