Tribal Government & News

Tribal Council approves $3.4 million loan for RV park expansion, slot machines

03.06.2025 Danielle Harrison Tribal Council, Spirit Mountain Casino

By Danielle Harrison

Smoke Signals editor

Tribal Council approved a maximum $3.4 million loan to Spirit Mountain Gaming Inc. to cover costs for an RV park expansion and purchase of slot machines at Spirit Mountain Casino at its Wednesday, March 5, meeting.

Currently, the RV park offers full hookups and the renovated clubhouse features a seating area, Topgolf swing suite, laundry and shower facilities for RV travelers. Pet-friendly, fully furnished models are also available for rent.

Tribal Council first approved a maximum $4.5 million to finish constructing a 74-space park in 2022. The newest lodging option at the casino is hoping to continue capitalizing on an increasingly more popular RV trend in the United States.

Spirt Mountain Casino CEO Camille Mercier has said that the park is very popular with guests and has been listed in Good Sam, which is a publication for RV enthusiasts.

The funding for the loan will come from the Tribe’s TriState Capital Bank line of credit.

In other action, Tribal Council:

  • Approved a rent reduction for Grand Meadows subleases to $1, which will allow them to pay for utilities directly instead of into a Tribal management account, which will make the process consistent with the Tribe’s new homeownership development Tipsu-ili’I;
  • Approved a memorandum of understanding between the Tribe’s Natural Resources Department and the Mid-Willamette Valley Cooperative Weed Management Area;
  • Approved the first supplemental budget of $120,000 for the purchase of a used aerial ladder truck for the Emergency Services Department;
  • Approved a $25 million investment in the Baird Capital Global Fund III;
  • Approved amendments to the Veterans Special Events Board bylaws to establish an Honor Guard whose sole responsibility is to carry flags at Tribal or other events designated by the board;
  • Approved amendments to the Spirit Mountain Community Fund bylaws to provide that charitable organizations eligible for grants will include those designed to serve addiction prevention and that local governments with jurisdiction in counties within the boundaries of Tribal lands are eligible to receive grants;
  • Approved appointing Trevor Aaron to the Spirit Mountain Community Fund Board of Trustees to fill the remainder of the term vacated by Camille Mercier, which expires on Sept. 30;
  • Approved a grant agreement between the Tribe and the Oregon Department of Education to support the Tribe’s curriculum related to the Native American experience in Oregon and make it available to school districts;
  • Approved a memorandum of understanding between the Tribe and the Sheridan School District;
  • Approved a $400,000 grant application to the U.S. Department of Justice Coordinated Tribal Assistance Solicitation for public safety and community policing;
  • Approved a $241,200 grant application to the Oregon Department of Human Services Office of Developmental Disabilities Services;
  • And approved the enrollment of five infants and an emergency non-infant enrollment into the Tribe because they meet the requirements under the Tribal Constitution and Enrollment Ordinance.

To watch the entire meeting, visit the Tribal government’s website at and click on the Videos tab.